What is the process for capital gains tax, solidarity surcharge, and church tax?

Path: "Investors" > Select the Account

Note: If investors are not subject to taxation, you can upload a "non-assessment certificate" through the "Investors" menu in the investor's detail view. Afterwards, you can uncheck the "pays taxes" checkbox in the personal data.

Recording Manual Payment Receipt

Withholding Capital Gains Tax & Solidarity Surcharge

Once payouts are executed, you must specify the amounts to be withheld for capital gains tax and solidarity surcharge as part of a tax withholding declaration. If you are uncertain about your tax withholding declaration, please consult your tax advisor. The taxes should be reported to your local tax office by the interest payment due date.


Entering Church Tax

Issuers are obligated to conduct an annual regular query of church tax. The party responsible for withholding church tax is liable for any church tax not withheld (§ 51a Paragraph 2c Sentence 5 in conjunction with § 44 Paragraph 5 of the Income Tax Act). The legal basis for deducting church tax from investors is established through the obligation to withhold capital gains tax.

Issuers must apply for a procedure number from the Federal Central Tax Office, which enables the church tax query. The procedure number must be obtained by August 31st to ensure that the query can be considered for the respective period, as a regular query can be conducted from September 1st onwards. If an investor is subject to church tax but the procedure number has not been obtained by this time, taxes must be manually deducted or an event-specific query must be conducted. Once you have received the information, the data must be added to the profiles of the investors. To do this, click on "Investors" and then on the name. Under "Church Tax records" you can add the details.

The responsibility to ensure that investors correctly withhold the taxes lies with the issuer. It is legally required that every corporation that is expected to distribute capital gains to natural persons conducts a regular query in the period from September 1st to October 31st of the previous year.

If you have any further questions or need assistance, feel free to contact our support team.

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