How do I create Tracking codes?

Path: "Marketing Tools" > Tracking Codes

Creating Tracking Codes:

Steps for Tracking Codes:

  1. First, click on "New Tracking Code." Enter the name of the tracking code and select the appropriate trigger. The triggers you can choose from are: Every Pageview, Successful Login, Completed Registration, Confirmed Account Email, Completed Investment Process, and Confirmed Newsletter Sign-Up.
  2. Next, add a code tag and set the tracking code to ☑ active! The code tag corresponds to the actual tracking code, usually JavaScript or an IMG tag. Variables can be inserted, such as {{investment.amount}} or {{investor.reference}}, or {{cookie.network_id}} when using affiliate networks.
  3. If an affiliate is selected, the code will only be triggered if the person comes from the corresponding source.

How to: Tracking Codes

To better track the activity of your investors and use this information strategically, you can use tracking codes in the investment and registration process.

Tracking codes can be assigned to the following triggers:

  • Successful login
  • Completed registration
  • Confirmed account email
  • Completed investment process

The following information is passed through tracking codes:

  • The 9-digit investor reference, generated by the system and unique to each investor
  • The email address of the investor, ensuring unique identification
  • If the investment process is completed, the investment amount is also transmitted

Tracking codes must be in JavaScript or IMG format.

To ensure references are correctly displayed, information must be structured in a way that our system can read, such as {{investment.reference}}, {{investment.amount}}.

You need to create the code tags, which will then be provided to us for implementation. Additionally, you need to ensure that parameters are forwarded to the investment process on the frontend and in all preceding processes, allowing the system to relay and analyze them.


Installing Tracking Codes

If you're using a custom frontend to display your funding page, you need to ensure that the tracking codes are correctly integrated.

For affiliate parameters to be transferred to GO, they must be forwarded from the platform to the system. Initially, all GET parameters must be checked centrally on every page of the platform and stored in the session. The parameters are then stored in a cookie or session for each visitor. When a link to GO is generated on a platform page, the parameters from the session/cookie must be attached to the GO link.

Example: A visitor accesses the platform through an affiliate link like "". With a global function, GET parameters are checked and generically stored in the session/cookie with each pageview.

The following code is taken from a framework environment and only works within that environment. It's provided as an example and needs to be adapted to your specific system.

public function cookieAffiliate() {
$this->Cookie->name = 'cmsref';
$this->Cookie->time = '30 Days';
$this->Cookie->key = 'xyz';
$this->Cookie->httpOnly = true;
$allowed_keys = array( 'utm_source', 'utm_medium', 'utm_campaign',
'utm_term', 'utm_content', 'network_id');
foreach ($allowed_keys as $key) {
if (array_key_exists($key, $_GET)) {
$this->Cookie->write('cmsref.'.$key, $_GET[$key], true, '30 Days');
return $this->Cookie->read('cmsref');

Call the function with every pageview:

$refcookie = cookieAffiliate();

When rendering a GO link (as shown in the example with the function "go_link") on the platform, all stored values must be appended to the link:

function go_link($url, $target = null, $refcookie = array()) 
{ if (!is_array($refcookie)) $refcookie = array();
if (filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) {
$url_parts = parse_url($url); if (isset($url_parts['query'])) {
parse_str($url_parts['query'], $params);
} else {
$params = array();
$url_parts['query'] = http_build_query(array_merge($params, $refcookie));
if (!empty($url_parts['query'])) {
$new_url = $url_parts['scheme'] . '://' . $url_parts['host'] .
$url_parts['path'] . '?' . $url_parts['query'];
} else {
$new_url = $url;
return 'href="'.$new_url.'" target="'.$target.'"';
} else {
return 'href="#"';

The generated GO link must include all parameters that the visitor brought with them during the pageview:

Note: Attention: GO only accepts "utm_" parameters and network_id!

Additional Note: If you're not using tracking codes, cookies are composed of the following three pieces of information from the basic frontend:

  • go_session: Identifies the visitor of the website during their visit, allowing assignment across different pages of the investment process.
  • locale: Language setting.
  • reference: If available, identifies the affiliate through which the visitor came, enabling proper attribution of the sale.


Example Tracking code {{investor.identified}}

Field name Field type


character varying
investments_count integer
investments_sum numeric
identified boolean
company_name character varying
company_legal_form character varying
company_register_number character varying
company_register_namen character varying
company_representative_function character varying
company_date_of_foundation date
minor_account boolean
preferred_locale character varying


Example Tracking code {{}}

Field name Field type
id integer
reference character varying
amount numeric
created_at timestamp without time zone
updated_at timestamp without time zone


character varying
state character varying
checkout_started_at timestamp without time zone
agio_amount numeric


Example Tracking code {{}}

Field name Field type
id integer
subdomain character varying
name character varying
prefix character varying

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