Path: "Projects" > "Emission" > Select emission
In the detailed view of an emission, you can access the emission settings by clicking on the "Edit" field. Within the emission settings, it can be defined whether an emission is set to automatically accept investments or if investments need to be manually accepted. This is usually because there are certain compliance criteria the investments need to pass, before being accepted.
If the checkbox for “Accept automatically” is activated for an emission, all investors, after placing an investment, will receive the information about transferring the invested amount. The investment is in the state “Waiting for payin”.
If the checkbox is not selected, the investments will go to the state “Waiting for approval” after the subscription process has been completed by the investor. The investor, at this point, cannot needs to wait for the investment to be accepted. Only after the investment has been checked and approved, will the investor receive the related information to transfer the money.
Note: If the emission is listed on next, there is a further compliance setting that can be selected. By selecting the checkbox “Investments need to be confirmed by the issuer” investments can only be accepted through the issuer login. This setting is to be selected, if the final acceptance criteria concerning compliance is solely in the hands of the issuer. If this is the case, admins on the platform that distribute the emission through next, cannot accept the investments.