Leon Stamm
Semi-professional classification of investments
Path: "Investments" > Investment Selection Classification by the platform On the investment page in "go," you can carry out the classification as a semi-professional investor for your inv...
How can I publish an issuance on portagon next?
To do this, go to the emission overview and click on "edit". Here, you can unlock the emission for the marketplace and add additional information. The details you provide here are not binding.
Mailchimp - Marketing tools
Path: "Settings" > "Integrations" > Mailchimp Please note The integration with Mailchimp will be deactivated on 01/09/2024. To ensure that you can continue to use your newsletters and other email...
How do I create Tracking codes?
Path: "Marketing Tools" > Tracking Codes Creating Tracking Codes: Steps for Tracking Codes: First, click on "New Tracking Code." Enter the name of the tracking code and select the appropriate trig...
Overview Investors
Path: "Investors" > "Investors" Detail View: To access the detailed view of an investor, which includes their individual data, follow these steps: Click on the name of the corresponding person und...
How do I transfer an investment?
Path: "Investments" > Choose the specific investment you want to transfer. Note: Please note that this is only possible for active investments. Additionally, we recommend that you have both the out...
Limited Partner (LP)
Ein Limited Partner (LP) im Zusammenhang mit privatem Beteiligungskapital oder Risikokapital ist eine natürliche oder juristische Person, die Kapital in einen Fonds einbringt, sich aber nicht an de...
How do I delete an investor?
Path: "Investors" > Selection of Investor The details of an existing investor can be viewed in the "Investors" tab under the respective name. After selecting an account using the name, the account ...
How do I manually record a payin for an investment?
Path: "Investments" > Selection of the investment Note: In order to manually mark the payin for an investment, at least one investor must have completed the subscription process. After the subscrip...
How can I create a new admin?
Path: "Admins" Under the "Admins" menu in the blue left sidebar, you can find an overview of all administrators assigned to the platform under "Admins." You can also grant additional individuals ac...