- Overview Investors
- Overview identifications
- How do I manually create an investor?
- How to edit personal data regarding my investors?
- How do I delete an investor?
- What do I need to consider in the event of an inheritance after death?
- How do I create a note for an investor?
- How do I create a new Advisory?
- How do I create a new advisory journey?
- How do I create a new affiliate conversion for an investor?
- How do I send a Notification regarding missing depot data?
- How do I send a notification regarding a missing identification document?
- How do I send a notification regarding a forgotten password?
- How do I send a notification regarding missing e-mail confirmation?
- What is the process for capital gains tax, solidarity surcharge, and church tax?
- Where can I find the uploads of my investors?
This section of the software shows details regarding your investors.